Man preparing a checklist for moving across the country overlay

The Only Packing Schedule for Moving Across the Country You’ll Need

Posted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on August 17, 2023

Moving across country can be an exciting yet overwhelming task, with countless logistics to consider and items to pack. Amidst the chaos, having a well-organized packing schedule for moving becomes an invaluable tool to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition. Whether you’re relocating for a new job, starting fresh in a different city, or embarking on an adventure, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the necessary tips for a successful relocation.

When preparing for a cross-country move, start early by creating a room-by-room packing plan and prioritizing essential tasks. Declutter effectively, gather supplies, and consider hiring professional packers if needed. Pay attention to fragile items and utilize specific wrapping strategies. Manage utility services in advance and address any scheduling challenges promptly. With careful planning, organization, and a proactive approach, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new home.

Before Creating a Packing Schedule for Moving, Assess the Timeframe

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of creating a moving packing plan, it’s crucial to assess the timeframe you have until your moving day. Evaluate how much time you have available to pack, considering your other commitments and responsibilities. Are you working full-time? Do you have a family to take care of? Understanding your time constraints will help you set realistic expectations and allocate sufficient time for each task.

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Determine the Date of the Move and Work Backward to Create a Packing Schedule

Once you have a clear understanding of your timeframe, determine the date of your relocation. This will serve as the anchor point for creating your schedule. Working backward from the day of the relocation, break down the tasks that need to be accomplished before the move. Consider critical milestones such as decluttering, packaging fragile items, and arranging transportation. Assign specific deadlines for each task, allowing ample time to complete them without feeling rushed.

Considering Any Specific Constraints or Deadlines Related to the Move

Moving cross country often involves various constraints or deadlines that are specific to your situation. Take these into account when creating your packing timeline for moving. For example, if you have a lease ending on a certain date or need to start a new job by a specific day, factor these deadlines into your schedule.

Additionally, if you’re relying on professional long-distance movers or shipping services, be aware of their availability and any booking deadlines they may have. By considering these constraints and deadlines, you can ensure a smoother and more efficient relocation.

Taking Into Account the Size of Your Current Home

The size of your current home plays a significant role in determining the packing schedule. Larger homes tend to contain more belongings, requiring additional time and effort to sort, pack, and organize. Consider the number of rooms and the amount of furniture pieces and possessions you have.

This information will help you estimate the time needed for each task and allocate your resources accordingly. Adjust your schedule accordingly if you have a larger or smaller home than average, ensuring that you have enough time to complete the tasks without feeling overwhelmed.

House model with a piggy bank and magnifying glass
The size of your home determines the complexity of your relocation

Give Cross Country Movers a Call as Soon as You Have a Moving Date

Once you have a confirmed date in mind, it’s essential to reach out to cross-country movers as soon as possible. Relocation companies that specialize in long-distance moving tend to have busy schedules, and booking them in advance will ensure their availability on your desired relocation day. Give them a call to discuss your relocation plans, provide them with details about your current location and destination, and inquire about their availability and services.

By contacting them early on, you can secure their services and avoid any last minute scrambling to find reliable movers.

Go Over All the Long Distance Moving Services You’ll Need

When hiring cross-country movers, take the time to discuss and go over all the cross-country moving services you’ll require. Every relocation is unique, and you may have specific needs and preferences. Whether you need packing services, transportation of fragile items, furniture disassembly and reassembly, or storage options, make sure to communicate your requirements clearly.

The relocation company will provide you with information about the services they offer, including any additional costs or considerations. By addressing these details in advance, you can plan accordingly and ensure that all necessary services are accounted for on the day of the move.

Engaging with cross-country movers early on and discussing your specific relocation needs will help you secure their services and avoid any potential scheduling conflicts. By having a clear understanding of the services they provide, you can plan your schedule more effectively and ensure a smoother and more organized transition to your new home.

Cross-country movers carrying boxes
Clearly communicate your needs with the movers

Start Decluttering and Sorting Way in Advance

Embarking on a cross-country relocation presents the perfect opportunity to declutter and lighten your load before the journey. To ensure a smoother and more organized process, it’s crucial to start decluttering and sorting well in advance.

Begin by initiating the decluttering process, which involves sorting your belongings into different categories: what to keep, donate, sell, or get rid of. This systematic approach allows you to assess each item’s value and relevance to your new home. By starting early, you can allocate dedicated time to go through each room, make thoughtful decisions about items, and ultimately streamline your relocation.

Organize Donation or Sale Efforts to Streamline the Process

As you declutter and sort your belongings, it’s important to organize your donation or sale efforts to streamline the process. For items you no longer need but are in good condition, consider donating them to local charities or organizations such as Goodwill. Research and identify the donation centers or shelters that accept the types of items you have and inquire about their guidelines and drop-off locations.

Streamline the process further by scheduling a pickup service if available. Additionally, for items that hold value but no longer serve you, consider selling them to recoup some moving expenses. Explore online marketplaces, consignment stores, or organize a garage sale to attract potential buyers. Setting deadlines for completing these efforts will help keep you on track and ensure that the decluttered items are ready to go before the big day, making your relocation easier.

Donate on a laptop
Donate unwanted items and streamline the decluttering process

Create a Room-By-Room Packing Plan at Least Two Months in Advance

Creating a room-by-room packing plan at least two months in advance is a crucial step in preparing for relocating. By breaking down the process by room and assigning specific days or time frames to each area, you can ensure a methodical and organized approach. It is essential to prioritize the most essential and frequently used rooms for the last few days, allowing you to maintain a sense of normalcy until the final moments before the relocation.

Additionally, allocating extra time for packaging delicate or fragile items that require special care ensures their safe transportation. By following this strategic plan, you can minimize relocation stress, maximize efficiency, and ensure a smoother transition to your new home.

Gather Packing Supplies

When preparing for a cross-country relocation, gathering the necessary protection materials is an essential step in ensuring a smooth and organized packaging process. Start by making a comprehensive list of the relocation supplies you will need, including boxes, tape, bubble wrap, markers, sheets of packaging paper, and any other protective materials. Taking inventory of your belongings and considering their fragility will help determine the specific supplies required.

Estimate the quantity of supplies based on the size of your home and the number of belongings you plan to pack. Larger homes may require more relocation boxes and packaging materials, so it’s essential to have a realistic estimate to avoid running out of supplies. Keep in mind that it’s better to have a few extra supplies on hand rather than be caught unprepared.

To avoid last-minute stress, order or purchase supplies well in advance. Consider buying them in bulk or checking with local stores for moving packages. This allows you to have everything ready and ensures you won’t have to scramble for supplies at the last minute. By being prepared with all the necessary supplies, you can streamline the relocation process and focus on efficiently and safely transporting.

Tape, bubble wrap, packing paper
Make sure you have enough supplies on hand, always get extra

Choose a Packing Strategy Based on Your Needs

When it comes to packing for a long-distance relocation, it’s essential to choose a packaging strategy that suits your needs. By developing a systematic approach, you can make the process more efficient and organized. One effective strategy is to pack one room at a time, focusing on completing each room before moving on to the next. This approach helps maintain order and prevents items from getting mixed up during shipping.

When packing, it’s important to prioritize the safety of your belongings. Pack heavy and large items at the bottom of boxes and fragile items on top, using appropriate cushioning materials such as bubble wrap, protection paper, or foam inserts. This technique helps protect delicate items from damage during transit.

Furthermore, specialized packaging techniques should be employed for specific items that require extra care. Items such as artwork, electronics, or furniture may need special attention. Research and implement packaging techniques that are recommended for these items, such as using art crates for valuable artwork or properly securing and padding electronics to prevent damage.

Labeling each box with its contents and the room it belongs to is another key aspect of a successful strategy. Clear and detailed moving labels make it easier to locate items during the unpacking process, saving you time and effort. Consider using color-coded labels or a numbering system for further organization and clarity. Watch this video if you need more relocation tips and help with color coding.

Start Managing Utilities and Services a Month Before the Move

Managing utilities and services is an essential task to tackle when preparing for a cross-country relocation. It’s recommended to start this process approximately a month beforehand to ensure a seamless transition. Begin by contacting your current utility providers to schedule the disconnection of services at your current location. Inform them of your moving date and provide the necessary information to finalize the process smoothly.

Simultaneously, arrange for the transfer or installation of utilities at your new location. Contact the utility providers in your new area to set up services such as electricity, gas, water, and any other necessary utilities. Coordinate the start dates to ensure you have essential services up and running when you arrive at your new home.

Don’t forget to arrange for internet and cable installation as well. Contact your preferred service providers to schedule the installation at your new location. This ensures that you have essential connectivity upon moving in and minimizes any disruption to your daily routines.

Additionally, update your address with relevant institutions and organizations. Notify your bank, credit card companies, insurance providers, and any other entities that need your updated address for billing, correspondence, or important documents. Forward your mail through the postal service to ensure it reaches your new address promptly.

Utility billing papers
Transfer your utilities in time

Clean and Pack a Bag of Essentials a Week Before the Move

A week before the relocation, it’s crucial to clean your current home and pack a bag of essentials that you’ll need during the transition period. Start by thoroughly cleaning each room, ensuring that everything is tidy and ready for the next occupants. Clean out the refrigerator, empty trash cans, and wipe down surfaces. This not only leaves a good impression but also makes it easier to pack and transport your belongings efficiently.

Simultaneously, pack a bag of essentials that will accompany you during the move and the first few days in your new home. Include items such as a change of clothes, toiletries, important documents, medication, phone chargers, and any other necessities you may need immediately upon arrival. Having a well-prepared bag of essentials ensures that you have everything you need at hand, reducing the stress of searching through packed boxes or waiting to unpack before accessing important items.

Prep the Home for Movers a Day Before the Move

A day before your departure, it’s important to prepare your home for the arrival of the movers. Start by securing any loose items or fragile belongings that may require extra attention during transportation. Make sure pathways and hallways are clear for easy movement of furniture and boxes. If needed, disassemble any large furniture pieces to facilitate their removal. Label any items that are not to be moved, ensuring clear communication with the movers.

Additionally, turn off and disconnect any appliances or utilities that are no longer needed. Shut off the water supply, unplug electronics, and ensure all doors and windows are securely locked. Take one final walk-through of your home to ensure everything is in order and ready for departure.

Woman talking with movers
Preparing your home for movers will make the process much more efficient

With the Right Schedule, Your Relocation Will Be Seemeles

With the right schedule and planning, your relocation can be a seamless and well-organized process. By following a schedule that takes into account the time frame, room-by-room approach, and prioritization of essential tasks, you can effectively manage the various aspects of your move, but you will need some professional help. Contact us and allow Cross Country Movers to assist you every step of the way and provide you with a seamless moving experience.


How Far in Advance Should I Start Packing for a Cross-Country Move?

It is recommended to start at least 4-6 weeks in advance. This allows you ample time to declutter, organize, and pack your belongings in a systematic and stress-free manner.

What Should I Prioritize When Creating a Packing Schedule?

Prioritize essential tasks such as decluttering, gathering supplies, managing utilities, and packing rooms in a systematic order. Focus on efficient packaging, labeling, and prioritizing items that you’ll need immediately upon arrival in your new home.

How Do I Declutter Effectively Before Packing?

To declutter effectively, sort your belongings into categories: keep, donate, sell, or discard. Assess the value and relevance of each item, and be selective about what you choose to keep. Set aside dedicated time for each room and make thoughtful decisions about items, considering their usefulness and sentimental value.

Should I Hire Professional Packers or Do It Myself?

The decision to hire professional packers or do it yourself depends on your personal preference, relocation budget, and the complexity of your relocation. Professional help is always recommended as it can save time and ensure that your belongings will be transported safely, especially for large households or delicate items.

What Packing Supplies Do I Need for a Long-Distance Move?

For a long-distance relocation, you will need essential supplies such as sturdy boxes in various sizes, tape, bubble wrap, protection paper, markers, and protective materials. It’s important to have enough supplies to pack and protect your belongings adequately.

Are There Any Specific Packing Strategies for Fragile Items?

When dealing with fragile items, it is recommended to use extra cushioning materials such as bubble wrap or protective paper. Pack them individually and place them in appropriately sized boxes. Label the boxes as fragile and avoid stacking heavy items on top of delicate ones.

How Can I Ensure a Smooth Transition With Utility Services?

To ensure a smooth transition with utility services, contact your current providers to schedule disconnection and transfer of services. Contact utility providers at your new location to arrange for new service connections. Notify relevant institutions of your address change and set up internet and cable services in advance.

What Should I Do if I Fall Behind Schedule?

If you fall behind schedule, assess the remaining tasks and prioritize them based on urgency. Consider seeking help from friends or family members, or consider hiring professional assistance to catch up. Adjust your schedule as needed but try to stay focused and dedicated to completing the tasks in a timely manner.

Georgia Michaelson

Born and raised in St. Louis, Georgia Michaelson is a content writer with a specialty in moving and traveling. Her tips can help you relocate without a fuss

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