A happy couple finishing up their relocation preparations overlay

9 Game-Changing Moving Day Tips

Posted in Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on January 24, 2022

Is your relocation date rapidly approaching, and you are lost in the middle of the cross-country moving process? If so, it is the right moment to go through our moving day tips and learn what to do next! Remember, good organization is half of the battle, and following our guidelines will get you fully ready for the upcoming change.

We bet that organizing your move is not something you do for the first time, and you know what you can expect. No matter how good you are at organizing things, there are still many helpful tips for moving that could support you to move efficiently and save a ton of time and nerves.

As usual, our experienced cross-country movers will be there every step of the way during your relocation, providing you with all cross-country moving services helping you to move quickly, efficiently, and safely. But, before our long-distance movers knock on your door, here are some pieces of advice to follow so you can go through the whole process less stressed and be ready for any challenge.

#1. Downsizing the Household Is the First of Our Tips for Moving Day You Should Follow

No matter if you’re moving to a smaller home or getting ready to live in a two-story mansion, the very first step of organizing packing to move is to downsize the household. Getting rid of all unnecessary things that won’t have any use-value in your new house is a must-do.

Since classifying your possessions could take you some time and be quite an emotional process, the best tip to follow is – start coping with it at least three months in advance. This time should be enough to go through all your items and decide whether you need them or not and how you could possibly give them a second chance.

How to Start the Task of Moving From a Large Home to a Smaller? House Decluttering Made Easy

Although there are many pros and cons of moving to a smaller home, one thing is sure – downsizing for moving to a smaller home won’t be fun at all. Many things you may find useful and significant won’t take place on the inventory list for one reason – the lack of space. However, you won’t be spared from this task, and you better be prepared for it both mentally and physically.

The main criteria to follow when minimizing the household is how useful the specific item will be in the new house. Turning off the emotions will be challenging, but the ratio has to win this time. Here are the steps that could ease the decision-making process:

  • Start with decluttering from the areas you rarely use, like the basement or attic, and sort out all the stuff you don’t need.
  • Divide the belongings into larger groups, like clothes, books, or kitchen items, and go through each category.
  • Learn what items movers won’t move due to restrictions, and ensure to get rid of them in a proper way. Things that shouldn’t be on your list for sure are pets, household plants, flammables, perishable food, bottles under pressure, and many similar items, so be prepared accordingly.

Another great way to start with the process is to make a list of things that you already have in your new residence and add all other necessary items. By following the list of necessary items, you will easily decide what to keep, and eventually, you will speed up the sorting process.

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#2. Get the House Prepared for the Relocation Crew

The easier and quicker movers to go through your house, the faster the truck will be loaded and ready to start rolling to the next destination. Keeping your hallways clear and walkable should be the top priority during the relocation day, and to achieve this goal, one of the best relocating tips we would recommend is to create a packing zone.

The packing zone means designating one room – ideally the one closest to the entrance and putting all packed boxes and other items there. This way, the relocation crew will be saved from losing time and significantly faster loading all the stuff. Also, if you’re relocating in winter, don’t forget to clear the access to your home and remove all the snow or ice because this could be potentially dangerous while handling heavy things.

Man is giving a tip to cross-country movers
If you're satisfied with the work the relocation specialists did, don't forget to thank them and tip them generously

#3. If You’re Taking a Car With You, Prepare It for Moving Cross-Country Too

If you decide to use car shipping services and let a professional auto shipping company take care of your vehicle, preparing a four-wheeler will be another task to add to the to-do list. Taking your car to a mechanic, checking the tires, battery, washing it thoroughly, removing all the trinkets out of the car, and taking oil out of the tank are basic steps to undertake.

However, this is mandatory to do and something that the shipping company will require. This way, both of you will be sure everything works properly and your car is safe to drive after it is delivered. In case you need any further help, don’t hesitate to contact your dedicated agent and get all the answers immediately.

#4. One of the Most Useful Moving Day Tips Will Be – Learn All the Safety Protocols Related to Coronavirus

Relocating during Coronavirus means some new safety protocols are introduced. Wearing masks, protective gloves, and acquiring all necessary disinfectants is something to be prepared for. This is the best way to protect yourself and the relocation team from any undesirable consequences and a proven way of dealing with relocation under these circumstances.

Remember to ask the company about the protocols they follow and if there is anything you can do to keep everyone safe. Also, check what happens if you have to rearrange the relocation date or cancel it if you or any of your family members are infected. Since those are unpredictable events, companies are quite flexible and might allow you to reschedule the date without any penalties.

Cross-country movers are wearing masks and taking a credit card payment
Safety always comes first, and moving companies all across the US follow all the recommendations to keep their employees and customers safe

#5. Contact a Long-Distance Moving Company to Confirm All Details One Week in Advance

Contacting a company in charge of your relocation to confirm all the details regarding the address details, times, and dates is an essential step to undertake. Although the company has all the information, confirming everything once again will be the best way for you to be sure everything is according to a plan of a move to another city. Furthermore, this will be a perfect occasion to resolve any other doubts you may have, so don’t hesitate to make this call!

Cross-country movers getting ready to pack the household
Check all the details, and confirm the exact times so you can be fully prepared to meet the crew in charge of your relocation

#6. Make Sure to Keep Your Kids or Pets Entertained While the Packing Process Is On

Expectedly, relocating with kids is stressful. Although their curiosity and interesting questions are adorable, just try to picture them running around the house while the relocation specialists handle all the boxes, and you’ll be on a good way to get a headache.

Safety always comes first, especially when it comes to your little ones. That’s why the best solution is keeping them away from the relocation crew, cluttered hallways, stairs, and all other potential threats. However, telling them to stay in their room and play won’t work this time (if it ever works). Hiring a professional babysitter or asking your family to take care of them is the best way to ensure they’re safe and an inevitable action if you’re relocating with a newborn.

Don’t Forget to Book Pet Sitting Services if You’re Relocating With Pets

The case is quite similar if you’re trying to relocate with pets, you’ll only hire a professional pet sitter to take care of it. Remember that the usual routine of your cat or dog will also be disturbed, and the transportation process will be extremely stressful. That’s why you should do all in your power to keep your pet safe and taken care of before the transportation as much as you can.

Parents are preparing for moving across the country while grandmother takes care of grandchildren
Let your family or babysitter take care of kids during the relocation process

#7. Pack the Bag With Essentials and Put All Necessities You’ll Use Once You Move to a New Residence

Having a bag with essentials where all your documents, medicines, snacks, devices, chargers, and other valuables will be placed is the best way to get through the traveling process much easier. The essentials bag will be especially useful in situations when you’re relocating with kids because you’ll be able to put their favorite toys and blankets in there and comfort them whenever they feel anxious. Also, the bag with essentials should entail clothes, shoes, toiletries, and linen enough to cover you until your stuff is delivered.

Stuff ready to be packed for cross-country moving
Create a list of all items you'll need during the first two weeks in your next residence and pack them accordingly

#8. Labeled All the Boxes Properly

One of the greatest relocation mistakes you could possibly ever make is skipping to label the boxes. So, before making this crucial mistake, ensure to label all the boxes properly. Skipping this step could not only put at risk your precious possessions to be moved safely but could also make a real mess once all the unlabeled boxes are delivered to your next residential place.

Imagine packages all-around your house, and you don’t have a clue of what’s stored in each box. The next scene? Well, before you find your favorite pair of jeans, you’ll have to open each box first and make an even bigger mess. If this doesn’t sound like a stress-free relocating experience, you’re totally right! Relocating to a new home really doesn’t have to be a nightmare, and the most effective way to avoid unpleasant experiences is to think about every detail in advance.

Everything you’ll need to label all the boxes properly is a couple of markers, which will allow you to write directly on the box. Another way is to prepare the labels using a PC, print them, and tape them on the box. Whatever you choose, just ensure to write down the content of each box, and your life will be much easier after the relocation is done.

A man is preparing for a long-distance moving and putting a label on box
Don't forget to put labels on boxes once you pack them

#9. Don’t Forget to Pamper Yourself Once Everything Is Done!

Last but not least on our list of move-in day tips is: don’t forget about yourself. Relocations are emotionally draining – every goodbye you have to say, all the memories you have to leave behind, and all the upcoming uncertainties that come are tough to bear. And if you go through all these experiences without giving yourself time to process them, you could end up feeling anxious and depressed after relocating.

What Can You Do to Relax After a Hectic Relocation?

Letting yourself cry or feel vulnerable and scared of all the upcoming changes are entirely normal emotions, and there is no reason to restrain them. Although all this could be very stressful, there are very effective ways to fight them all.

Namely, as a recent study shows, massages, spa treatments, and short vacations are proven methods of stress relief, and that’s the reason why you should definitely pamper yourself using some of these techniques. The best thing of all is you can do it at your own place, and if you need a couple of ideas on how to organize your pamper day, check out the video below!

Now You Know All the Tricks, Are You Feeling Ready to Move Out?

Undeniably, relocations are stressful. However, by following these simple but effective pieces of advice, we are sure the whole experience will be much more pleasant. Just ensure to take care of every detail in advance, don’t leave anything for the last minute, and relocation will be a child’s game!

Daisy Wilson

Daisy was born in Salt Lake City and in her free time, she writes about moving and watches Charmed.

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