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Posted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on May 27, 2021
Whether you have already relocated or it’s your first time, you probably already know that it’s one of the most stressful events in life. To be able to run through this process smoothly, it’s crucial to know who to notify when moving to avoid any unnecessary tension down the road.
Read morePosted in How-to,Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on May 24, 2021
Living in a tight home is a bit harder for storing your belongings without cramping the place too much, making it look like a depot. If you recognize this problem, and it’s a part of your everyday life, finding creative storage ideas for small spaces will come in handy to help you feel like an interior designer. Besides practical reasons, organizing your home will create a more beautiful space to live in, without any stuff to trip over while walking through.
Read morePosted in How-to,Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on May 24, 2021
Making friends in a new city – a piece of cake for some and the biggest trauma in the world for others. Moving across the country is hard enough, but being lonely is worse, and it can affect our health a lot. We humans are social by nature, and staying alone could affect our daily activities. So, getting out there as soon as possible will only do you good.
Read morePosted in How-to,Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on May 24, 2021
When it comes to long-distance moving, a painstaking approach to learning how to organize important documents at home is the only one proven right. Even though it might be dreadfully boring at times, the more careful you prepare the lower the number of problems that can cause panic and distress when you least want them.
Read morePosted in Coping With Relocation on May 20, 2021
How to keep in touch with friends was not an easy question to answer in the past. Even though moving cross country meant uprooting yourself from your familiar support structure, it hasn’t been that simple to find comfort when needed. Hearing from your family meant waiting for months for a letter, scheduling phone calls, not to mention a sense of loneliness you just couldn’t shake off.
Read morePosted in How-to,Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on May 11, 2021
One of the most common pain points of relocating is figuring out the ways to wrap, protect, and package all your belongings. Things can get particularly tricky when you reach the point when you must sort, declutter, and pack your wardrobe. These proven tips on how to pack clothes for moving will show you how to do it without stressing out.
Read morePosted in How-to,Moving Tips & Tricks on May 11, 2021
Wouldn’t you just love to enter your residence and see it sparkle? Impeccable living space is easily achievable with these simple tricks. They come in particularly handy to those who wonder how to clean an apartment before moving in. Now, being well-organized and thorough is imperative. And, if you learn a hack or two, you’ll also be very quick and unquestionably efficient. Jump into your comfortable clothes, choose a few tunes that will keep you in the right mood, and get down the business with this comprehensive guide. We’ll enlist all the supplies and products you’ll need. And we will cover each step you should take. Are you ready?
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on May 10, 2021
When asked what they consider the most stressful event in life, most people wouldn’t say having kids or switching workplaces. Staggering 45% of Americans think that relocating brings the most tension and anxiety, and you probably think this is true if you’ve moved before. So, is stress-free moving achievable? While it’s a common thing to be a bit stressed when going through such a big change in your life, you may reduce your relocation anxiety down to a minimum with some smart tips and tricks.
Read morePosted in How-to,Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on April 23, 2021
How to move efficiently, quickly, and organize your relocation seamlessly? Depending on the property size, you’ll need from two to seven days to pack everything. Or more precisely, you will need from 48 up to 168 hours to take all of your belongings into boxes. If this sounds to you like the time you could spend in a more quality or creative way, you’re probably right. We present you with the ultimate tips on how to shorten the time for packaging and move more efficiently.
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks on April 10, 2021
Those who dare to make a long-distance move do not just stumble upon their happiness. They are brave enough to grapple with their fears while having the benefits of moving as their final destination. Being happy implies a risky, uncompromising approach to life. So, they are not just lucky. They are persistent. And daring enough to set huge personal challenges, despite knowing it’s not going to be easy. Many people decide against leaving their comfort zone. They never even try. Don’t be scared – it’s not a Twilight Zone. Dare to try.
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