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Posted in How-to,Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on June 30, 2021
If you don’t want your storage facility to look like the Lestrange Vault at Gringotts crammed from floor to ceiling, accessible solely with the help of a cunning goblin and impossible to be navigated without the use of advanced magic, our guide on how to protect items in storage units is for you. This process might appear dreary and tiring, but with our practical suggestions and tips, you’re guaranteed to finish it off with flying colors and in high spirits.
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials,Planning the Move on June 15, 2021
There are numerous things you need to do before moving to a new home in order to have a lucky new beginning, as Feng Shui rules say. According to these rules, you should buy your house a gift and leave your old broom behind so that bad luck doesn’t follow. But even if you are not superstitious, you still have to do a lot of things before relocating to your future residence.
Read morePosted in Planning the Move on June 15, 2021
When considering moving to a new state, you are probably wondering how to do it effortlessly and in the fastest way possible. The most important thing is not to panic and knowing that you’re not alone in this. Each year around 7.5 million Americans move across the country, and most of them have a successful move because they started on time and had a good plan.
Read morePosted in How-to on June 15, 2021
Figuring out how to decide where to live might seem as easy as googling the most excellent places in the US, but that’s not entirely true. Choosing where to live includes more factors than just finding a nice area. Your choice will depend only on your preferences, but we’ll ease your search by naming all the essential elements that should impact your decision.
Read morePosted in Moving Tips & Tricks on June 15, 2021
Over the past five years, just a little more than 40 million Americans moved yearly. Translated into percentages, 13% of all residents relocate every year. Since housing is one of the main reasons people move, many fresh parents choose to switch their locations. Moving with a newborn might be tricky, but it’s unquestionably manageable.
Read morePosted in Coping With Relocation,How-to,Moving Essentials on June 14, 2021
Anxiety disorder is the most common mental illness in the USA, affecting 18% of the population each year. But does it mean that you have a disorder if you are anxious? Nearly 15 million Americans move each year, and probably a vast number of them are feeling anxiety about moving out. We can’t say they all have a disorder. In fact, feeling severe anxiety about moving out can happen to perfectly healthy people.
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials on June 14, 2021
Relocations don’t need to be stressful nightmares if you avoid some of the most common moving mistakes. Although mishaps happen, you can stay away from the majority of them if you organize the relocation in advance and avoid booking professional movers at the last minute. Having a defined timeline and the support of experienced cross-country movers to get you through the whole process and help with the organization will be of tremendous help in attaining a stress-free relocation and getting the new home ready. For that reason, we decided to provide you with the ultimate list of the most common relocation mistakes.
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on June 8, 2021
Relocating your home can often appear as a whirlwind of tasks coming at you. Having so much on your mind certainly justifies all the things you forget to do when you move. There’s even a famous Murphy’s law, reminding us that all future problems are not just possible but inevitable. In its simplest form, it states: “If anything can go wrong, it will.” Even though Captain Murphy didn’t speak of the moving industry, we can easily imagine how these timeless words of wisdom relate to it.
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on June 8, 2021
Many of us think moving across the country is an expensive adventure that requires a lot of savings in advance. This is partially true. You must have some amount of money, especially if you’re moving without a job. However, it’s not impossible. With the right moves and cutting some expenses, your dream can come true even if you don’t work at the moment.
Read morePosted in Moving Essentials,Moving Tips & Tricks,Planning the Move on May 27, 2021
Whether you have already relocated or it’s your first time, you probably already know that it’s one of the most stressful events in life. To be able to run through this process smoothly, it’s crucial to know who to notify when moving to avoid any unnecessary tension down the road.
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